Marie-Ève Barrette : pour le plaisir de bouger!
Over the last 10 years, Marie-Ève Barrette has been the FitSpirit leader at Polyvalente Le Carrefour. Having obtained a Bachelor’s of Education in French and History, she has been teaching French since 2004 in Secondary 1 of the intermediate International Education Program (IPE). Additionally, she teaches design to students in Secondary 1.
The pride of seeing girls accomplish themselves
Marie-Ève does not hide it; she sometimes has a love-hate relationship with physical activity. There were a few years where, feeling discouraged, she doubted herself and wondered whether she should give up her role as FitSpirit leader. However, every year, her doubts subside when she sees the girls again back in school. The smiles and flushed cheeks on their faces after a workout motivated and energized her to continue. “To see them impassioned and proud of themselves, I get goosebumps!”
FitSpirit’s turnkey programs enable her to work with girls more effectively. She enjoys FitSpirit’s online workouts customized for teens: “Wow! The intensity is good, and the terms used are relatable for teens.” As of 2018, the online registration of participants greatly simplified her job.
“I really like FitSpirit, and it needs to show!”
Click HERE to read the full article (French only).